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Host a cert 

We request that you have at least 30 or more people committed to taking the CERT course before a training is solidified. This is the approximate number of trainees necessary to off-set the time and resources necessary to hold a CERT. The CERT course is an excellent opportunity to work together with other area churches toward a very clear, very scriptural common goal. The cost is $35.00 per person; everyone will receive a signed CERT card upon completion of the course, signifying that they are FEMA certified as a CERT volunteer. Whoever is in charge of organizing the CERT will need to complete the tasks below. If the CERT Training is held outside the state of Michigan, the cost is $45.00 per person and we ask that you have 40 or more people committed to taking the course.


Logistics & Tasks of CERT Organizer:


  • First we must obtain certified Fire/EMT volunteers to teach the Fire Suppression and Triage & First Aide units on Friday. If you personally know of any Christian Fireman and/or EMT workers, or one attends your church you can ask them to help. They need not prepare any classes, all the materials and step by step PowerPoints are available for them, the program simply requires this information is presented by people certified in these areas (I will send an email containing the training materials which you can forward to them). If you do not know of any Christian Fireman or EMT workers, let me know and I will arrange to get some there.


  • It is critical that you send out your CERT email announcement, which contains the explanation/registration brochure to your personal email list, to your hosting congregation's list, and the local churches in your community.  Call the local pastors and churches in your area to make sure they understand what the CERT training is and why it's so important.  Also request the training be mentioned in church announcements and bulletins; this is very effective. Many of the churches intend to do it, but just never get to it, which is why you need to call them to confirm they received the information.


  • Send out the Promotional Email to area newspapers and radio stations (they can put it in their public service announcements for free, because this truly is a public service to the community), as well as local churches/organizations.


  • For the fire extinguishing training, please arrange to have some newspaper, kindling and/or brush available to use on Friday, as each participant will take turns putting out a fire.


  • Approximately 5-7 volunteers (of all ages, but not too young to take direction) will be needed for the final exercise on Saturday after lunch. This is a mock disaster scenario that will enable participants to put their training to use as they search an area and provide medical care to victims. Teen groups and members of the congregation not taking the course can volunteer for this, and tend to have a great time doing it.


  • It would be helpful if you could provide the following materials for the disaster scenario and training: 2-4 (2x4s) which are 6 to 8 feet long and 2-4 sturdy blankets and/or sheets (used for the scenario and to demonstrate make-shift stretchers, lifts and drags), some old rags, some large tables or boards to use as mock walls, and of course the volunteers.


  • Lunches generally last about an hour.  We suggest people bring lunches if there is not ample food available nearby, or many churches arrange to have Pizza or subs brought in and charge a few dollars per person to cover the costs. It is nice to have some coffee and snacks available for breaks, as the course runs all day on Friday and Saturday.


  • Schedule permitting, Fulton may be able to share in a Sunday morning service at one of the local churches on “End Time Ministries & Being Prepared,” sometime 3 to 4 weeks before the training. This message generally rallies many volunteers for the course.


  • If you have difficulty with any of these tasks, or are unable to obtain any necessary materials, please let us know and we will make sure it is taken care of.



Informational Emails:


Once you have established a CERT training date and location, we will send you four emails:


*The first email can be sent out to your email list, other peoples’ email lists, your church and the local churches in the area. 


*The second email can be sent to radio, TV, and news papers to be put in their public service announcements. 


*The third to the local fireman, who will be teaching Unit 2 on Fire Suppression on Friday morning from about 9:15 am to approximately 11:15.


*The fourth is to be sent the EMT (which may be the same as the fire person); they will teach Units 3 & 4 on Triage and First-Aid on Friday afternoon after lunch.



The sooner you can get these emails out, after you receive them, the better. You should also call up some of the local churches to ensure they understand what this training is and its importance, so they will put it into their announcements and bulletins. 


Please Click Here to contact us about hosting a CERT in your area.

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